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A 6 month program to help you create your deepest held musical dream

The Great Song!

  • Open your voice and creative flow with lessons, exercises and inspirations

  • Create a body of healing music while being inspired, coached and supported by a group of sacred musicians

  • ​

Calling all sound healers, musicians, singers, & DJs who are looking for a sacred, encouraging space to create your musical dream!


The LightSchool Arts journey is designed to unleash your soul's voice, your passion and your creative genius; all while being held in a sacred, healing container of personal growth and spiritual development.  


If you have been dreaming about creating a body of sacred, musical work, then you will be nourished with inspiration, vocal training, songwriting  and project development.



Your words are the magic, your voice is the medicine, your soul is the Song




We enter LightSchool in the West, at the foot of the Fall Equinox, and dive into the Cauldron of Creation for 9 months. 

"The powerful spiritual and creative work at LightSchool  dug into my blocks, excuses, and holding patterns right away. With each channeling came more clarity. With each artistic assignment I completed, I felt myself sinking deeper into the center of my creative heart."

~ Trina Lacey Flores

Dotted Waves


“The term Mystery School comes directly from Ancient Egypt, and refers not to a specific time or place in Ancient Egypt, but rather timeless, secret, spiritual teachings, passed down through word of mouth, through priests and priestesses, initiates and royalty, and encrypted into the temple themselves, concealed and enshrined behind a veil of hieroglyph and symbolism.”


But these mysteries were not reserved for just Egypt, they sing through every culture, tradition, land and time. They are ancient, and they are always new. They are the map of the initiate who longs to find the secrets of life, the truth of why we are here, and from where we came.  They propel us forward in consciousness, beckoning us to remember and forget who we are, again and again.


We have an insatiable need to explore, to stand at the threshold of wonder, and the need to surrender into safe and known spaces, referencing the spiritual glue that holds us together as a species. In a mystery school, we open ourselves up to receive these timeless teachings in the form they want to incarnate now. Like the Irish Bard, in LightSchool Arts, we receive them to create, to inspire and to heal! 



The mystery teachings put us in the center of the creative energies of life, everything is birthed from and returned to this center.


It is from here we begin this program, where creation moves through us as an ecstatic expression of life, as the Great Song.


In LightSchool, we allow these creative impulses to flow through our spirits, anchor and express into the sacred structure of evolution on Earth, the Wheel of the Year. Through a deep linking into this sacred structure, spirit can birth its highest vision for your creativity to move through you.


The Wheel accounts for all of life, all of nature and all of humanity, it is the common language humming in the background of all of our journeys. This wheel honors the darks and lights, ups and downs, the good times and the bad times as we use duality as a tool of creation. .


For the purpose of Creativity, the Wheel anchors you into a synchronistic timeline and pattern for your genius to incarnate.




Image by William Recinos

The fastest way to and from the Center is through SONG. Each and every living thing is singing a song in a vast orchestra of time and space. Song weaves itself through the dimensions for creation, nurturing and expression of Life itself. All of the emotions live in these vibrations, longing for a place, longing to be heard, longing to be received.


This longing emerges from the soul as a desire so strong it cannot be squelched! No matter how hard you may run from this longing, it pulses, it beats, it SINGS. When we refuse this song we lapse into all forms of emotional chaos and repression. We must sing it to fulfill our destinies.


We will be on a deep journey through the Void to allow this song of your soul to ignite, express and take form. Every month, your longing will be invited to express itself through your voice, your body, your pen and your instruments. Ultimately, you will create a musical project straight from your soul.


Your words are the magic, your voice is the medicine, your soul is the Song. The use of words, whether spoken, written or sung are the foundation for magical potency. If you feel the urge to use colors, paint away! We will explore all aspects of the bardic expression.

Celtic Tree Wheel


“The trees will speak to you, they will draw the kenning out of you. To walk in the deer-trods of the goddess all you have to do is ask…”


An essential component to this program is the deepening of your connection with the Song of Nature. In Druidry, the Tree is the center of all. The Tree of Life symbolizes the forces of nature coming together in perfect harmony to maintain the balance in the universe.


The Celtic Tree of Life is the Oak tree. It is the most sacred tree of all, representing the center of the world. The Celtic name for Oak is Daur, which is the origin of the word door.  The root of the oak tree was considered the doorway to the Otherworld, where the fairies sing and chant. Spirit journeys most always involve a large Oak tree, and you will find yourself on many in this work.


Our journeys with the trees will inspire a connection to the center of life that is profound, singing right to your soul, until you have no choice but to share that song. Through profound work with tree essences, your backyard and your words, body and voice, the creative spirit of nature is set to inspire your masterpiece.


But don’t be surprised if your whole life takes on a creative spirit that dances you through your Personal Wheel!



1.The Longing

AUTUMN: Dive into the deep waters of your soul’s longing. Your voice, body and heart all bow to express the soul’s truest song, as we clear the blocks to your passion, genius and project.

Guitar Close Up

2.The Receiving

WINTER: Enter the Divine Chambers of the Muse, your pure connection to your Spirit Source, the wellspring of your creative genius and focus. Your project starts to take form.

Artist Performing on Stage

3.The Singing

SPRING: As the trees birth their leaves once more, your musical project is born!  Your visionary, healing music, your unique creative essence is ready to be fine tuned and shared. 



Begins Wednesday, Sept 15th, 2021 at 7pm ET.

Classes meet once a week for two hours over zoom.

Classes usually meet on Wednesdays, but will be on Sundays once a month.

There are 2 weekend retreats, Fall and Spring.

We have a private online space where we will be able to interact, share and post all materials and recordings.

All students can come to Creation Activation, monthly channelings, for free.


Acceptance is by interview only! 

All cultures, races and identities of adult humans welcome.




Musical Mystery Teachings with CC

The heart of the program, Musical Mystery Teachings are here to support your spiritual journey through your creative expression. In this class, we enter into a sacred container to receive teachings and sound healings from the guides, as well as begin to open your voice to its full sound healing potential through the dimensions. Coming together as a class is very important, and we will bond and deepen into relationship with each other to form trust, encouragement and a safe space. The LightSchool Arts method connects you to your creative muse team, allowing for a pure and easy connection to your creative potential. It's truly a magical process.


We begin our journey in the West, the place of passion and letting go, and we only deepen with each passing season, into the Great Song of Life.  We will study and be nourished by sacred music from around the world, with a special focus on the Celtic tradition.


Tree Magic & Essences with Lizzie

Walk along the wheel of the year with us through the forest of ancient Druidic mystery and wisdom teachings. The language of the trees is more than an alphabet or a language. It is a complete body of wisdom and mystery teachings that can be spoken, sung, felt, and utilized. The trees will initiate us as needed, sharing their medicine and wisdom as they support the unique processes of our creative and healing expression.

This work will be supported by Tree Essences: powerful allies that provide transformative medicine, while holding the vibration of steadiness, grounding, and stability. There is no better way to move through transformation than with the steadiness of a wise tree. When in need of guidance, we will always look to the tree elders first.


Musical Project Development with CC & Lizzie


CC and Lizzie will help you develop and complete your musical project. In this class you will be working through blocks as they arise, meeting the challenges whether they be technical, emotional or creative on the way. The creative process will take you on a deep journey of personal growth! You will be supported to stay on track through all the ups, downs and distractions of life. You will be encouraged to share your work, receive feedback and give feedback and expand your capacity for what you thought was possible.  Each student will be able to follow the track of their vision, and met with love and encouragement as habitual, sabotaging patterns reveal themselves.


Your project will ask you to step up, to be true to yourself and to face everything that has been preventing it from happening until now! Your visions will call you to learn new skills, and many may be outside of class such as production, learning or getting better at an instrument, creating a band, working with other musicians, etc. All of it is welcome, and all of it will be seen and supported through to completion.


Private Sessions


CC and Lizzie will both offer private sessions as part of your package or when needed. Sometimes difficult blocks can arise that require personal attention, or perhaps you want one on one time for project development. We are here to serve you! You are also welcome to book private sessions with the guest teachers. 




Vocal Development with Bisan Toron


Our voice has the capacity to gather and reflect our many dimensions with great nuance and subtlety. This workshop will explore the vast array of un-tapped vocal colors available to us when we explore the embodied connection between emotional impulse, breath and voice. With the support of core classical techniques, participants will begin to maximize the resonance freedom of the voice and discover greater vocal depth, range and clarity of expression.  This class is fundamental to release inhibitions, creative blocks and give energy towards whatever expression of musicality your project becomes.


Songwriting Workshop with Joseph Eid


Ever wonder if there is a science behind the art of song writing? Joseph is bringing us a practical and inspiring class to de-mystify  the process of creating songs!  Whether you understand musical theory or not, you can write a great song. Through a series of fun,  guided exercises, we will push our edges and learn how to easily bring our passion and creativity into form. Songwriting will no longer be a mystery, but an ally for your creations.





We have fall and spring weekend retreats. The dates and details are being flushed out, but they will be in the Hudson Valley, NY. In these weekends we dive deep into a creative, transformational cauldron together so we can meet and compliment all we are learning with in person passion!



CC Treadway.jpg

Creator of LightSchool Arts  & Multidisciplinary Sacred Artist

CC Treadway

CC Treadway is an energy & sound healer, channel, singer-songwriter and visionary artist. Her work as a healer for the past 20 years has given her a profound understanding of how the body and soul respond to sound. Her gift is catalyzing people into their spiritual & creative genius. She created LightSchool Arts as a way to weave together divine teachings, spiritual growth, nature and creativity. This is the sixth incarnation of LightSchool. Learn more about CC here.


Magic Is Real  & Everyday Magic & Intentional Goods

Lizzie Rose Reiss

Lizzie is an energy healer and teacher who bridges the magic of the world with the practical stuff of life. A lover of all things nature, Lizzie specializes in honoring our natural cycles of life as a way of healing. She trains and mentors reiki healing and flower essence healing practitioners, leads healing groups, and works with clients individually for healing and growth. She recently opened a storefront in Woodstock, NY that shares intentional goods and healing with all who visit. A LightSchool graduate of 2016, Lizzie has been supporting LightSchool's growth for the last five years and is honored to teach alongside CC again this year. Learn more about Lizzie here.


Vocal Artist, Composer, Voice Instructor

Bisan Toron

Bisan Toron is a Syrian-born vocal artist, composer and voice teacher. Her music is informed by a multitude of cultures and vocal traditions, which she threads with vocal articulations that arise from the moment. Her transformative curriculum entitled ‘Voice Creatures’ guides people into a deep, clear and intimate connection with their voice, bridging the chasm between their inner impulses and boundless expression. Bisan’s voicework combines the somatic and the spiritual, supported by classical technique that frees the myriad colors of the voice. Learn more about Bisan here.


Singer Songwriter

Joseph Eid

Joseph has been writing songs for 25 years and continues to find himself falling deeper in love with the craft and the mystery of songwriting. Since the release of his Human LP, Folk-Pop artist Joseph Eid has been garnering considerable buzz. He has been featured in American Songwriter Magazine's “Best New Music.” His song “It's Only Love” was chosen to be in a feature film starring Sharon Stone called “All I Wish.” His last EP, Watch It Fall, was released in Spring 2017. No Depression Music Journal called it “mesmerizing, mind blowing and empowering.” His latest single release “Listening to a Madonna” has been playing in shopping malls across the country at stores like ULTA and BLOOMINGDALES.  He just finished recording a brand new album of 12 songs which he will be releasing later this year. When he is not playing music for public and private events, Joseph enjoys long walks, road tripping, and spending time at home with his partner and their 3 cats. Learn more about Joseph here.

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