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1. I just don't feel like myself since _____________ happened

2. I went to the doctor but my disease symptoms persisted,
     I've tried everything and feel hopeless

3. I can't seem to move on from that divorce/death/heartbreak

4. I feel so lost and overwhelmed on this Earth

5. I want my power, creativity and sexuality back!

6. I just want to be able to feel my connection to God/Guidance again

7. Why am I here?



Energy healing is woven into the long term mentoring/coaching programs. I am no longer doing single sessions or packages.

I specialize in cases where people  just don't understand or know why or what is happening with them. I especially meet the needs of empaths/HSPs, who are energetically intelligent and sensitive, and need deep compassion and acceptance for healing. 

Pain/illness is your body or mind's way of telling you
that your energy is blocked,
and that something in your life is not working


If you ignore the messages of physical or emotional pain, the warnings will become more severe.  When the root cause is unlocked, a domino effect of healing and awareness can take place in your life. 


If you have not gotten to the root of your problem, you're condition will persist.  Everything that happens in your physical body happens first in your emotions, mental beliefs and spiritual levels of your energy field.  Healing means bringing consciousness to these places.










In this work we clear out old trauma from the womb from sexual abuse/assault, pregnancy/miscarriage/abortion, and relational trauma such as a bad breakup, infidelity, divorce etc. This frees the natural life force of the woman once more for higher self worth, ownership of her sexuality/sexual desire/attraction and creative/financial empowerment. 


Essentially this is just connecting you back to yourself. I have many different methods I use to restore a person's identity and energy. Soul retrieval can dramatically change a person's life for the better.


By locating tears, attachments and compromises in the energy field through the timelines of the client, physical and emotional health can be restored.


Energetic influences in your psychologically reveal the underlying, unconscious forces affecting your behavior. These patterns can be passed on ancestrally, from other lifetimes, from trauma, and from family and cultural templates. As the unconscious becomes conscious, rapid changes in perception, behavior and healing can take place.


While I work with many different spiritual guides, the Pleiadeans and I have a special relationship for healing work. In these sessions we work with powerful sound codes, geometries and Pleiadean healing technologies.



Violet Alchemy Purification, developed by Ama'zjhi, is a profoundly comprehensive system with which to clear heavy energies, lost souls, entities and other energy afflictions that plague humanity. 


The body, mind and spirit were designed to heal. We just need to listen to it and speak its language to give it what it needs.

This is, in essence, the work of a healer.

I look at the body, mind , spirit  and environment together, work collaboratively with other experts, and put your health and wellbeing before any personal belief, doctrine or opinion.

I do my  best to empower you to activate your natural healing system, and access the
innate tools you have to heal yourself. 

I work with mentors, supervisors and my spiritual guidance team so you get the full support that you need.
The work is customized to your needs. 





"The work we began together started at the foundation of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual issues which I have struggled with throughout my life. Session after session was dedicated to the interconnectedness of these issues- I suffered from cysts, and immune disorders- my sessions with CC led me to understand how my personal history and psychological issues affected this disorder which began to clear my illnesses.  She also led me to miraculous remedies with other practitioners (all natural, no pharmaceuticals with scary side effects) which, combined with the energy healing, ultimately healed the root of the cyst and immune issues for me.


CC is a healer. But she is more than that- she is special. She is uncompromisingly human, vastly knowledgeable, a true student of history and the abundant teachings from so many different modalities of light and love that it consistently shocks me, delights me, humbles me (and schools me). She is the female doctor version of Joseph Campbell. She is consistent, timely, dedicated, and firmly authentic.


There are very few things I know for sure. CC Treadway is the real deal. A Master Chief. The best Captain to have at the helm if your boat is leaking. This, I know for sure."


 Personally, for me, CC saw and cleared stagnant energy and locked in emotions that had me not wanting to take care of myself. Feelings of heaviness, feeling the loss of vitality, vibrant health, flexibility that I once had, transformed into feelings of lightness, clarity, and a new found respect & love for my Self and my physical body. 


Through the four sessions, physically, CC worked on my knees, legs, hips and neck, creating free movement and a wonderful flow of energy, alleviating stiffness and pain. She energetically worked with all my chakras, especially my 2nd and 3rd, as well as my heart chakra, creating an opening,

and a connection between 3rd and 4th, a profound feeling of vastness.

It was truly an amazing week that left me so self confident, I found the energy to take care of myself in the way that I needed so my full health could be restored!

Mary Ann


Working with CC Treadway was a life changing experience. With CC’s support, and the support of the energies that she channels so brilliantly, I was able to finally let go of the sorrowful energies that disempowered me, whether they emanated from my current life, ancestral lineage, or past life traumas. Over the weeks of the program CC helped me to peel back layers and gently release more and more heavy energies rooted in my sexuality. At the same time I was growing ever lighter, joyfully stepping into my fully empowered self.


As a result of all of this work and CC’s support and guidance, I finally had the courage to open my healing practice as well as create the website and marketing materials for it!


Thank you CC!!



Each layer of the Human Energy Field contains information for your healing. Each layer can also become torn, blocked or imbalanced. This can then influence the physical body, the last stop for manifestation of illness. A Brennan Healing Science Practitioner is trained to track these 7 layers (and more) to  find out where restoration is needed.


I break down the four main levels of consciousness and how my work can help.




Your body is a superhighway of energy currents. Eastern Medicine has understood these currents and how they impact your health.  Western medicine has disregarded this knowledge, and this is why people don't get better a lot of the time with just a western approach. Energy is often the missing link. There is SO much information stored in the energy field within and just outside of the body that is directly related to physical illness.  A Brennan Healing Science Practitioner is trained to be able to connect to this field and find out what the body needs. BHS works very well in collaboration with your medical doctor.

  • Treat serious ailments like cancers and chronic conditions.

  • Repair old muscular or skeletal injuries.

  • Get to the root of mysterious symptoms

  • Restore balance to the basic systems of the body like digestive, reproductive, nervous, etc.

  • Promote overall wellness and immunity.



Your mind is a processor of energy. Tiny electrical impulses transmit information across neurons and form the basis for thoughts and actions in the body. Your brain creates pathways of thought that form beliefs and habits.  Not all these habits will serve you as you want to grow and achieve goals, or heal from trauma. Trauma can affect the brain and create all kinds of mysterious secondary symptoms.  Energy Therapy can help to unwind these patterns from deep in the subconscious so that you are free to create.


  • Re-pattern the mind after trauma so that you can move past painful events

  • Change your thoughts to reach goals you previously considered unattainable

  • Let go of old feelings of guilt and regret that hold you back.

  • Conquer fears and build self esteem and confidence from the inside out.

  • Develop new, healthy relational skills to stop repeating sabotaging patterns ie, attachment patterns.

  • Get to the root of the invisible wall you hit when you are trying to achieve your goals, and move past it



Our modern culture is almost completely emotionally illiterate. Simply talking about your problems does not usually work to shift the pattern, it takes a movement of emotion and energy to reveal the blocks to be healed. Blocked emotions tend to be at the root of many, many illnesses and relational suffering at this time. Through energy healing, you will finally get the chance to resolve the emotions that continually attract trauma, leaving you free to move forward into joy and health.


  • Ease the pain of depression and find the joy in everyday life.

  • Clear the womb of past sexual, birth, miscarriage/abortion and relational traumas

  • Release anxiety and replace it with calm and confidence.

  • Allow emotions to flow through, rather than get stuck, creating freedom and pleasure in your life

  • Soothe anger at its root and lean towards compassion and understanding.

  • Learn to love yourself no matter what

  • Heal toxic relationship patterns, codependency and heartbreak

  • Develop skills for more meaningful, loving relating and intimacy



As you harness the power of energy medicine to feel stronger, clearer, and more joyful, you will continue to embark upon your ever-deepening spiritual journey, opening the door to new plateaus of understanding the nature of the cosmos and the unseen world.

  • Give life a deep and unshakable sense of purpose and meaning

  • Experience yourself as a divine being,  joyful and excited about life

  • Gain new insight into life’s most profound questions

  • Feel the sacred, interconnectedness of life for a deep sense of personal belonging

  • Develop a relationship with your spiritual guidance, you are never alone

  • Become a conduit for the creative force of life, and your natural healing power

  • Gain mastery over quantum manifestation and live your true, soul path


Violet Alchemy® PURIFICATION created by Ama’zjhi​ is an advanced system of purifying and cleansing of energetic disturbance, dissonance and any energies that are co-creating disharmony, fear, addiction, mental instability, emotional instability, illness, unwanted paranormal experiences, inability to disconnect from another, chaos, destructive tendencies, and more.


These energies are what we refer to as attachments that are amplifying fears and core wounding that a Soul/Being is being influenced or even plagued by. Removal of these kinds of energies directly and immediately alleviates suffering from instability and disturbance.


What we see as essential and enormously important is that these energetic attachments magnify and exacerbate all mental and emotional weakness or imbalance.


This modality of vibrational healing is an empowering and potent system to support the development of self awareness, responsibility and initiative towards embodying the divine potential.



I have been an energy healer for decades now, and I know from experience that there are no limits to what energy healing can accomplish, provided it is in line with the soul’s life plan. It's impossible to describe how deep, far and wide this work can go.


A session can move from repairing and recharging the field to working with all disease states, accidents, unexplained illnesses, codependency, entity attachments, heartbreak, life transitions, psychological blocks, death and loss, fertility issues, recovering from trauma, sexual abuse, integrating intense spiritual experiences from medicine work, depression, soul loss,  lineage trauma, loss of spiritual reconnection, etc.


This work is highly focused and intensive.


If I get the guidance, I will recommend you work with complementary practitioners or doctors who's specialities could serve your healing.  Energy healing is not recommended for high on the spectrum personality disorders or mental illness, unless working closely with a skilled psychotherapist team, as it can aggravate the condition on its own. 




Brennan Healing Science

Violet Alchemy Purification

Trauma Healing/Repatterning

Therapeutic Essential Oils Aromatherapist (Wisdom of the Earth)

Developmental Trauma Healing/Inner Child Work

Creative Therapy

Systemic/Transpersonal /Energy Psychology

Soul Retrieval

Astral Entity Release

Body Centered Psychotherapy

Pleiadean Sound Codes/Channeling


Womb Cleansing/Sexual Trauma healing/Fertility Chelation

Relational Cord Healing

Ancestral Healing

DNA repair/upgrade

Higher Self Connection

Theta Healing


Core Star Healing

Hara Healing

Healing from codependency/patriarchal wounds

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Per our complete Terms linked above, this Website, including public and private content, coaching, training, mentoring products and services associated and offered are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, treatment, medical treatment, psychotherapy, counseling, or any mental health services. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any mental health symptom or medical condition. Never disregard professional psychological or medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Website.
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