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Success Coaching for Healers

For trained healers and wellness coaches who are ready to quit their jobs and step into a successful, lucrative soul based business.



  • Meet and work though your visibility and wealth blocks

  • Attract your clients and open to success

  • Build your system/automate for a simple, scalable business


The amount of healers awakening to their calling in today's world is growing rapidly.


No longer in the shadows, healers have not only the potential to make a difference, but to make a great living!

As a healer ready to start or grow your practice and business, you already have years or maybe even decades of personal work and training under your belt.   If you are not already off and running, the support to unblock and get you ready for success is needed.


You may be wondering:


“How can I maintain my current level of income (and beyond) as a healer?”

“Do I have what it takes to really make a difference for people?”

“Is my nervous system stable enough to hold a practice ?”

“Where are my client’s coming from?”

“Do I have to be a sales person?”

“What will my colleagues and family think?”

“How do I walk across the bridge from employee to sovereign, healer boss?”

“How do I manage the being a business person as well as a care-giver?”

“Will I be overwhelmed and stuck alone in my house all day?”


All of these questions and more arise during this sacred transition into your calling.



In today's world, being a healer means being a business person.


This can be a hard pill to swallow. It certainly was for me. I resisted it every step of the way, until I had to walk my parents through their old age, and it got real pretty fast.


I had to manage my finances differently to keep up with my life, as well as take care of them, as well as think about my own old age.


I could no longer sacrifice my financial well being for other's needs. Period.


This meant going through an enormous transformation, letting go of thousands of years of programming. I changed everything around in my work to be lucrative, scalable and solid. I combed through my timelines again and again, finding any and all areas that set me up for martyrdom, and I repatterned them for success.


Healers are not your normy types, after all, the wisdom of the universe flows through you. But that energy and wisdom also needs to flow through into a practical system that works.


And to do that you need to be unblocked and ready for success.


To do that you need to heal the caretaker archetype and step into sovereignty.





People may tell you to just go for it, to trust, etc. But I can tell you, having a business strategy as well as en emotional/spiritual strategy is extremely important. You want everything in place so that you can surrender to the abundance that wants to flow your way.


Emotional Strategy: What works for your particular personality, nervous system and emotional body? What blocks may you still be running up against? What do you do naturally?


Perhaps there are still hurdles in your psyche that you can’t get past even after decades of work, and you need the deepest dive possible to shift those patterns.


Spiritual Strategy: How do you work with the intelligence of the universe to sychnronize with you and bring you opportunities?


Business Strategy: Marketing strategy * Automated leads * Scalability/Growth plan


This can be simple, and when you first start you NEED to make it as simple and streamlined as possible.


There are tried and true paths that work for healers, and there is also a ton of nuance and customization depending on who that healer is.


Together, we find the happy medium that leads you to effortless, synchronized success.


  • Break out of limiting behaviors and beliefs (fears around charging, being seen, etc)

  • Attract paying clients with soulful ease

  • Create a business blueprint from your highest potential

  • Create a fun, easy marketing strategy that welcomes new clients regularly

  • Mentorship as you go to meet the specific challenges healership and soul based business present (boundaries, overwhelm, recognizing personality disorders, etc)


Each level of advancement you hit, requires you to rise into the next version of yourself, but your underlying values cannot be compromised.


•You need to be attuned to, understood and seen as you evolve into your new level of life.


•You need to be inspired, held accountable and cheered on as you cross through your barriers into success.


•You need your blind spots to be clearly, yet lovingly pointed out so you can move beyond what you can see.


•You need a system that covers many bases, tracking you through multiple timelines, to align you into the highest, most sovereign and most integrated path for your life today.


Janet Dailey


I am forever grateful to CC for guiding, holding and creating a sacred place for me to step into my wildest visions, which include writing a book that was started over 10 years ago, diving into my own healing, and helping me define my offerings as a healer, singer and wellness coach, all during a huge transition in my life. 


Working with her for the past six months has been one of the best gifts that I have given myself. I could go on forever! xo

A long term, focused container with a guide, is the most powerful way to move through your blind spots, and step into your dreams.


Are you ready?


Professional Healer Program

3,6,9 Months

4  60-90 min individual sessions/mo 

Text/email support
Creation Activation Monthly Channelings,

Supplemental  online courses

30% discount on any live courses offered during program

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