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art music inspiration
CC Treadway
Sep 28, 2022
LightLetters: Multidimensional Housekeeping
If you have a job or relationship where you feel like you are leaving half, if not more of yourself, at home, or in the ethers, you may...
CC Treadway
Sep 14, 2022
LightLetters: The darkness as a creative tool
Creator/God/Goddess/Higher Self will place you in extreme discomfort, will lead you into the darkest corners, so that you can grow, so...
CC Treadway
Aug 30, 2022
LightLetters: The creative gifts of ADHD
Finding out I had ADHD was a game changer for me. Before I knew this, I struggled so deeply with shame that I just “couldn’t get it...
CC Treadway
Aug 16, 2022
LightLetters: What is the true surrender to God?
I notice with the many women I work with, and of course, I have seen this in myself, that sometimes there is still a very young idea of...
CC Treadway
Aug 2, 2022
LightLetters: When you are unclear…
When we are stuck in indecision, we are simply not grounded. The root chakra is a deeply settled, unitive space. When we are truly...
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